Good Soil Initiative

The Good Soil Initiative is a three year program to employ interested applicants at Salvation Army communities which are currently without a hired youth worker or youth minister. Each would be responsible to assigned corps and or community to implement Good Soil Initiative programs with the objective of:

1. Developing children and youth; their faith, character and person through the corps/church and other SA work using youth development principle and practice

2. Increasing local corps ministry with young people in the neighborhood and community through purposeful outreach and service.


The Good Soil Initiative will employ people who have a passion for ministry with youth

as Youth Development Coordinators in Salvation Army churches throughout the

Midwestern states. Youth Development Coordinators are specifically hired to perform

activities/special projects as it relates to youth development.


Youth Development Coordinators will report directly to the Pastor/Corps Officer and

work with youth, neighborhood organizations, parents, teachers, church/corps leaders

and other interested individuals to provide healthy and safe communities, opportunities

for youth to learn, to discover and practice love for God and neighbors, and to obtain

needed skills to participate in family life, church/corps, neighborhood, state and



Youth Development Coordinator

Youth Development Coordinator (YDC):

years experience in progressively responsible youth development work, or an equivalent

combination of education, training or experience may apply for the YDC program.

The placement could be anywhere in the Midwest.

youth to promote, encourage and holistically develop the young person.




Training of Youth Development Coordinators:

training for all Youth Development Coordinators, CBLI Camp; DYL Seminar minimally.

and practice, evangelism and outreach, Safe From Harm standards of practice,

neighborhood development, mentoring practices, faith development, leadership training

for adults and youth, quality youth program elements, Salvation Army program practice

and procedure, youth culture and other topics to keep coordinators current and


[one_half padding=”0 0px 0 75px”]Recommendation Form[/one_half][one_half padding=”0 75px 0 0px”]Individual Application[/one_half]

Next: YDC Job Description
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