Discovering God’s Gifts
The first Girl Guard troop started in London, England, in 1915, under the name the Life-Saving Girl Guards. Since it was based on Boy Scouts, young women in that first troop learned outdoor skills and things that helped prepare them for homemaking. Those first Guards spent time hiking, camping, marching, exercising, learning first-aid, Morse Code and flag signaling. Over the years the activities have changed to meet the needs of a new generation of young women, but the purpose remains the same—guarding the soul, mind and body, while encouraging young women look beyond themselves to help others around them.
Today, the Girl Guard program is available to young women in sixth through twelfth grades and focuses on four aspects of personal growth identified in the Girl Guard Aim: growing spiritually, mentally, physically and socially. Girl Guards usually meet once a week at meetings that encourage personal development and growth. Here girls set personal goals and earn emblems that focus on discovering their skills, talents and exploring areas of personal growth. Girl Guards can study art, discover ways to respect and take care of the environment, learn the responsibilities of parenthood, gain computer skills and auto know-how, delve into God’s Word, discover how to handle difficult situations, take part in wood working classes, join in recreational sport activities and so much more.
By discovering God’s gifts of arts and skills, health and happiness, nature, people, personal growth and their present and future, Girl Guard members gain knowledge and experience in a variety of areas which will aid them as they mature into adults.
Girl Guard Aim
- I will grow spiritually by increasing my knowledge of God through Bible study and prayer.
- I will grow mentally by being honest in my thoughts and actions and by developing the mind and talent God has given me.
- I will grow physically by protecting myself from all harmful substances and habits by developing a healthy body.
- I will grow socially by being respectful, friendly, of service to others and loyal to my country.
How Can I Learn More About Girl Guards?
Contact The Salvation Army in your community to learn when and where Girl Guards meet in your area.