Tell the General

10-30-13 Update: The deadline has been extended to November 15! The General really wants to hear what young people have to say about their experience in The Salvation Army! Let’s help out our young people to participate.

A common theme among the responses to our recent series considering why young people leave The SA expressed a perceived helplessness with regard to the direction and working of our beloved Army. It’s a widespread complaint among Salvos, especially those among our younger generations, that the only ones who have a “voice” are the ones with red on their shoulders. We are a top down Army, so the perception goes.


Our newly elected General André Cox wants to change that perception. IHQ is actively asking for input from young people across The SA world. They want our young people to Tell the General what they think and feel about TSA culture. If you are between 7 and 25 years of age and attend a Salvation Army church or corps, you’re being invited to share your views with our international leadership. If you’re too old, you can still seek out the young people of your corps and offer a helping hand to ensure that their voices are heard.

Check out this informational video from IHQ, and round up your young people! Encourage them to share from their hearts, and share in humility. When it was suggested to General Orsborn that the hope for the future of The Salvation Army lay in its young people, he responded that “The hope of the Army is in the penitent form!” Let’s all remember that God doesn’t need us, we need him. Let’s pray for our leaders, locally and internationally, and for a great outpouring of the Spirit’s presence and power. That alone will bring about the change we’re all desperate to see.

More info on how to Tell the General can be found here.


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