An Open Letter to the Young Adults of The Salvation Army

cbliwithshieldIt’s interesting to be coming upon the age of 35 and recognize that I am part of an outgoing generation. Youth truly have the greatest influence and now, in many ways, my future as well as The Salvation Army’s is in the hands of persons younger than I. I’m left looking up to those coming behind. God willing, I still have so much more that I can do for the Kingdom, but, oh the hours I wasted; the days without benefit.

And how silly we are to think that The Salvation Army belongs to a clergy.

Yes, Officers are responsible for the organization known as The Salvation Army, but you are the energy, the vision and the idealism. You chart the direction of this Movement. That you would see your leadership is not years away. It’s not even tomorrow. It is now. Do you accept? Know it will require that your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and teachers of the law if we are to see God’s favor and His Kingdom come under your watch.

Again, do you accept? I pray the answer is an enthusiastic, yet humble, “Yes”. But if not, consider that the job likely will not get done. As the Founder warned, “Someone else will take our crown.”

I write this from no official perspective. I’m just a corps officer who sees the amazing potential in the soldiers I’m blessed to call part of my congregation.

I believe in you.

Go and bless God,
David Martinez, Captain


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