Hype! Presents the Urban Mission Center & Temple Houses

Hype! is a feature at the Central Youth Network that aims to spotlight people, programs, initiatives, or Corps who are bearing great fruit for the Kingdom of God. Check out these awesome opportunities from the Midland Division shared by Sara Johnson:

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The Midland Division is working to establish an Urban Mission Center in St. Louis. Our center will focus on developing and equipping missional leaders for ministry in an urban context. The hope is that our center will serve as a gathering place where leaders can learn from experts, experience community with other leaders, and creatively explore urban mission.

Now that we’ve been working on this project for several months, we’re ready to move forward with our official launch – and we want you there! Because the UMC is unlike other programs within The Salvation Army, we’re extremely interested in feedback from officers, employees, and community members. We simply want you to come experience a weekend at our center, and then share your input with us.


There is more information to come, but for now, we’re asking that you save the date of September 5th and 6th. We’ll meet in St. Louis and work with speakers from The Missional Network. If you’re interested in participating and have those dates available, please let me know at your earliest convenience so that we can proceed with official requests.

THlogoOne avenue for developing missional leaders is through Temple Houses. Temple Houses is a ministry of the Urban Mission Center that engages young adults in neighborhood transformation through intentional community. Members live, serve, and worship together – committed to making a difference in the name of Jesus in Benton Park West. Members serve our neighbors alongside local churches and social organizations. From neighborhood beautification to food pantries and community gardens to youth development, Temple Houses members can expect a variety of opportunities to transform our little piece of Saint Louis. Urban life comes with certain challenges – some simple, some very complex.

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Our cities need missional leaders who are ready to face these challenges with creativity and understanding. Residents have opportunities to explore topics of urban mission through multiple mediums, including workshops, book studies, mentoring, and classes with the Urban Mission Center. We’re currently looking for young adults who are interested in joining our community for 12 to 36 months. I appreciate you taking a moment to learn more about the Urban Mission Center and Temple Houses at our website. If you have a young adult in mind who would really benefit from this type of experience, I appreciate you passing the information along as well!


Grace and Peace,

Sara Johnson
The Urban Mission Center of St. Louis
Program Director
Cell: 314.606.7794

And He who sits on the thrown said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” – Revelation 21:5


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