Feedback: Conversations on Faith & Doubt

feedback amp logoFeedback happens when a signal gets looped back into its source, like a guitar’s pickups being overloaded by the sound coming from its own amp. Usually this creates a lot of noise and dissonance. However, in the right hands it can be harnessed to create beautiful things: think Sigur Ros, Bon Iver, or even Neil Young.

Faith can often seem like a closed system; the same thoughts, questions, and concerns feeding back in on themselves in our hearts and minds, endlessly. Following Jesus in our post modern world means occupying that mysterious place where faith and doubt intersect, but belonging to Christ’s body means we don’t don’t occupy that place alone. If “faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see,” as Hebrews 11:1 states, then what does that look like in a world that breeds doubt?
13069069735_793c994d88_bAt Regeneration this past February, our Feedback film crew set about documenting the stories and experiences of Salvos climbing the mountain of faith, and walking through the valleys of doubt together. We wanted to listen in on what God is doing in the hearts and lives of young adults in his Church. This series presents personal, honest, open conversations about the living out faith and devotion to Christ in the face of real doubt. The hope is that, by bringing these conversations to the foreground, we can begin to turn the noise of the questions and doubts we all experience into something beautiful together.

Join the Conversation:

  • What does faith mean to you? What does doubt look like?
  • How do faith and doubt intersect in your life?
  • How important do you think it is to share our doubts with one another?
  • Have you ever seen the Lord grow something beautiful in your faith through your doubts?


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