CBLI Dispatch #2

CBLIjrhighPhoto courtesy of CBLI Jr. High track’s Facebook page

Here’s another quick dispatch from CBLI 2014!

Things have really taken off in earnest as the various tracks are meeting together, digging into their individual themes, worshiping and learning together, and seeking the Lord amongst peers. Of course, there’s still amazing opportunities each evening for intergenerational worship and fellowship. Last night featured the ministry of The Singing Company (who just put out a new album recently) and Dr. Bill Ury.

I (Jonathan aka @eaglemoses) still remember the sermon Dr. Ury shared at CBLI 5 or so years ago about the incredible changes witnessed in the lives of the disciples, and how those changes were predicated on the indwelling of the Spirit. The Spirit took dull, dense, selfish and cowardly men and transformed them into thoughtful, powerful, selfless and heroic men willing to be martyred for the faith and love they professed for Christ. That’s holiness.

Last night he hit it from a different angle, looking at the corporate aspect of God’s call to holiness, and I really hope you really heard it. Here’s a quick recap for anyone who missed it (paraphrased from memory):

  • God’s original plan for Israel was that they would be a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Exodus 19:5-6). This meant ALL the tribes would serve the Lord together.
  • The golden calf episode (Exodus 32) screwed things up pretty quickly, so the Lord instead chose the only tribe that remained faithful, the Levites, to alone serve him as priests (this is explained in more detail in Numbers 3).
  • Jesus came to set right what sin and rebellion had corrupted, and a big part of this for believers meant re-opening the place for all of us to serve the Lord together as “a royal priesthood, a holy nation” (1 Peter 2:9).
  • Our world needs a right example of our Holy God, but they’ll only get it if we are truly made into a holy people–together–through the power of the Spirit.
  • That necessary revival won’t come until we all seek in together, pushing one another with encouragement, exhortation, and honesty. Pious posturing for one another won’t do it. Holiness can’t happen at arms length from one another. Holiness takes all of us, all in, all together.

There’s more good stuff to come, of course! Stay tuned, and keep an eye on #CBLI14 for more good stuff. Did you see Sunday’s dispatch?

hayleevoellerUnashamedly stolen from Haylee Voeller’s Facebook page.


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