Are you a Disciple?

Leaders, do you know what it means to be a disciple of Christ? I’m sure your first answer right away was, “Yes.” But do you really know what it means? Are your eyes fixed upon yourself and your service, or are your eyes fixed on Christ? This article from talks about the passage Luke 10:38-42. Give it a read.

Mary wanted to be a disciple. She didn’t care what the culture “norm” was. She was hungry to learn from Christ. She didn’t care about tradition. She knew what she wanted, and that was to be His disciple.

Are you like that? Can you say that with all that is going in in our world’s cultures today, your city’s culture, that you will sit yourself at His feet and not care about what culture/tradition says. Would you do that?

Calling yourself His disciple is more than you think though. In The Salvation Army we do a lot of service. It’s one of the biggest things that we’re known for some would say. It’s our duty to be in the field. But you have to have more than just the “service”. You need meaning and love behind it. Don’t be a Martha. Be a Mary. I like the selection from this article,
“The Marthas of this world are very busy doing good things. But eventually, they burn out or bail out. Why? Because they operate in their own power. And their priorities become crooked.

They are trying to do something for God, yet haven’t learned the secret of letting God live in and through them where He is doing the work.”
We need to keep our priorities straight. Keep our eyes fixed on Him and not ourselves.

Read this article, and see if you are doing right as a disciple.

“Embraces humility, brokenness and the willingness to die to self.” (Luke 9:23–24)



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