Regeneration 2018

Regeneration 2018: The Road Back To You is just around the corner and we want you all to come! Registration is live and you can reserve your spot today. You can click the link below and you will be directed to the Regeneration website where you can begin the registration process.

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What is Regeneration 2018?

Regeneration is the only Salvation Army conference that is specifically made for young adults in the Central Territory. It is an experience made just for you. You won’t want to miss it! Registration ends on Friday, February 1st, 2018.

How old should I be?

Regeneration is a conference for young adults. You must be between the ages of 18-29 (by 2/16/2018) to attend. There is one exception… If you are 30 or older and are active in young adult ministry on the local Corps or Divisional level you are now welcome to attend. (You will need to describe your involvement on the registration form).

When is Regeneration 2018?

Regeneration will be held the weekend of February 16-18th. This is President’s/Valentine’s Day weekend, so love will be in the air and you may have the following Monday off school or work.

How much will it Cost?

Only $50. Only $50? Yes, only $50. That’s a real sweet deal, considering it includes: all housing, meals, fun, electricity, water, heat, swag, places to sit or stand and interesting things to look at for the whole weekend.

What is the theme?

What you don’t know about yourself can hurt you, your relationships, and how you make your way in the world. Not knowing yourself can also keep you in shallow relationship with God. Do you want help figuring out who you are and why you repeatedly stumble in to the same self-defeating patterns? The theme of this event is “The Road Back To You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery” which will help delegates consider the ancient personality type system called the Enneagram, how it can help them in their everyday life and in the walk as followers of Jesus Christ. This will be a Regeneration unlike any other in its history and we are very excited about what the Lord will do in 2018.

Can my spouse and/or child come?

Certainly! We love when families attend Regeneration. There will be housing for married couples and families with children. It’s ok if your spouse is over 29 years old, only one of you needs to be between the ages of 18-29. Children between the ages of 0-5 can come at the cost of $20 per child.

What to pack?

Warm Clothing
Bedding (Sleeping Bag, Sheets, Pillow)


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