CBLI Dispatch #2

CBLI has been continuing to challenge and inspire as we’ve been blessed by the ministry of so many Godly folks, and the presence of the Holy Spirit. We’ve been waring in the spiritual realm with much prayer, praising, confession, and encouraging fellowship of the Body. Have you been watching the live stream? Major Ivan Wild and Mike Donahue have kept the Word coming each night, with The Singing Company leading our focused times of worship, and we’re all still hungry for more!

What would this Army look like if we all took these deep moments of prayerful submission and unity home with us, recreating a new spiritual summit in our prayer closets or Corps sanctuaries each day? What could the Holy Spirit accomplish with an Army filled up, ‘fessed up, and ready for the fight? Let’s commit to giving the Lord our all, and pray for a new outpouring of his Spirit on his Army!

If you’re like us, you’ve been keeping one eye on the developments happening at the High Council, and bathing that process in prayer. Keep your other eye over here to keep up to date with the news and announcements coming from London. In the meantime, check out our chat with Shane Claiborne, and be blessed by his encouragement for all you youth leaders and officers pouring yourselves out for the sake of Christ. Remember that we don’t work in vain, but we need to abide on the vine to produce fruit (John 15:5)!


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