HYPE! Presents Newly Launched Territorial Youth Band & Chorus

Hype! is a feature at the Central Youth Network that aims to spotlight people, programs, initiatives, or Corps who are bearing great fruit for the Kingdom of God. Music programs can provide an amazing avenue for discipling young people, and the Central territory is rolling out a new one that you and your young people should know about. Via Metro Youth Network

Did you know that the Central Territory is starting a Territorial Youth Band and Territorial Youth Chorus? They will be rehearsing the weekend of February 28-March 1, 2014 at Camp Wonderland and performing at the Festival of Gospel Arts/Commissioning Weekend on June 6-8, 2014 in Merrillville, Indiana. Are you interested at all? Follow the steps below, and you may be well on your way to joining the TYB or TYC!

All Applicants must complete their preliminary application online available online at http://samusiccentral.submittable.com

1. For qualified Salvationist instrumentalists and vocalists 13-25 years of age.

2. Individuals may audition for either band or chorus but can participate in only one.

3. Membership is contingent on:
-Ongoing discipleship to Jesus Christ.
-Active service and upstanding soldiership in corps.
-Faithful participation in corresponding corps music sections (vocal – TYC, instrumental – TYB) where available.
-Demonstration of development of musical skills through audition (see below), or placement at Central Music Institute.

4. Central Music Institute students who have played in the Wonderland and Citadel Bands or have sung in the Booth Chorale are not required to submit preliminary audition videos with their application.

5. CMI students who have not placed in the Wonderland Band, Citadel Band or Booth Chorale are required to submit an audition video with their online application.

6. Those who have not attended CMI are required submit audition videos with their online application.

7. Those who are required to submit a video audition can attach their video to their online application at the above website. Or they can send a DVD or CD to the Territorial Music and Gospel Arts Department: The Salvation Army THQ, Music & Gospel Arts Dept., Des Plaines, IL 60016

8. All audition materials (online application, completed endorsement form and audition video [if applicable]) must be received by January 6, 2014.

9. TYB and TYC members must attend the entire Rehearsal Retreat (February 28-March 1, 2014) and Festival of Worship Arts Weekend (June 6-8, 2014).


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