An I’ll Fight Day Primer for Noobz (or A Refresher for Veterans)

IFDcollageThe I’ll Fight Day HQ (aka my cubicle) is abuzz with the action that inevitably builds up leading to an international campaign of this scale. We’ve rolled out some updates to the site, we’re constantly trying to think up some new ideas on how to keep things fresh, and of course, we’re working to spread the word! Are you keeping up to date with the official I’ll Fight Day Twitter and Facebook feeds (we’re doing a couple giveaways on the FB page, just so you know)?

Are you asking yourself, “What the heck is I’ll Fight Day?” Probably not. I’ll Fight Day has been around since 2006–just long enough to start feeling comfortable and familiar. Just long enough for it to become been-there-done-that old news and forgettable. Why keep fighting every December? Here’s a helpful primer for those of you new to the movement, and a kick in the pants for you old war dogs:

KeepFightingClick the poster to download full-resolution.


  • What’s your corps’ plan for I’ll Fight Day this year?
  • What kind of resources or support would you like to see for future I’ll Fight Days?
  • What’s your best I’ll Fight Day memory?


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