Our Top 5 Articles of 2013

2013 was a good year for the Central Youth Network! We launched our new site just weeks before the start of the year, and we’ve enjoyed the new opportunities that its been presented to interact with youth leaders, soldiers, and officers all over the world. My prayer is that the conversations begun, continued, and hosted here will serve to encourage greater a commitment and passion for seeing fruitful kingdom impact spring from our work and worship.

The question isn’t if we’re working hard enough; we’re Salvos! The work never ends! However, it is so easy to try and accomplish the great work God has given us in and of our own strength, and that is when we fail to see the fruit we long for borne in our ministry, and that is when we burn out, become bitter, or simply fall into apathy and routine. So we often need to ask hard questions about our motivations, goals, and vision. We need to remind one another to walk and to live according to the Spirit, not the flesh.

As ministers charged with discipling young people, we need a safe place to dialogue, vent, and be reminded that we are not alone in our struggles! So here’s a look back at our 5 most read articles of 2013. What conversations need to take place in this coming year?

1) Moving the Church

DSRailtoncropConsidering the historical reasons for officer moves and their implications for today.

2) How to Kill Your Corps!

howtokillyourcorpsHelpful tips for the selfish and cynical.

3) Why Young People Leave The Salvation Army – Part 1 & Part 2

sgannouncement4A frank discussion on why young people are leaving the Church and The Salvation Army in record numbers.

4) The Salvation Army, Millennials, and the Church of A New Era

Millennials-7-16-5-croppedAn exclusive interview with Maj. Rob Reardon, NHQ’s Young Adult Initiative Coordinator.

5) What Does Gay Marriage Say About The Church’s Voice?

19195Considering how the Church should navigate the political sphere and what the gay marriage debate might teach us about our mistakes.


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