See You at the Pole

Date: Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Time: 7:00 AM local time
Location: The flag pole in front of your school

#Never Stop Praying

VERTICAL_BANNERThe 2014 theme verse follows Paul’s famous passage on the armor of God, challenging and encouraging Christ followers to stand strong in the Lord and be His representatives to share the Good News of the Gospel.

From that very first year in 1990, See You at the Pole has been about one simple act—prayer. Today, SYATP is still about students humbling themselves, turning to God, and interceding for their generation.

There are two opportunities to prioritize prayer with your friends:

  • DAY: SEE YOU AT THE POLE day is on Wednesday, September 24, at 7:00 a.m. local time. All around the globe, in every time zone, students will be gathering at their flagpoles, praying for their school, friends, families, churches, and communities. SEE YOU AT THE POLE is a day committed to global unity in Christ and prayer for your generation.
  • WEEK: The GLOBAL WEEK OF STUDENT PRAYER (Sunday, September 21 through Saturday, September 27) encourages students to find new and unique ways, places, and times to pray throughout the week. Whether you attend PUBLIC SCHOOL, PRIVATE SCHOOL, or HOME SCHOOL, gather your friends wherever and whenever and pray! The GLOBAL WEEK OF STUDENT PRAYER is dedicated to prayer and launching your on-campus Bible clubs, prayer strategies, and student ministries.
    Some suggestions for the week of prayer are:

    • Sunday have a student pray for the schools during Holiness meeting.
    • Pray for anyone in the congregation who is working in the education field.
    • Set aside a time during the week when students come to the corps and pray for the needs of their schools, teachers, friends, community.
    • Set up a 24 hour prayer chains for one day
    • Designate a specific time during the day when students will silently pray
    • Celebrate the end of the week with a Prayer Concert and testimony time

Steps Involved In The Planning Of This Student Led Event.

1. Inform your principal. (Students can legally gather for prayer before school, but it’s best to inform your principal.)
2. Set a time. 7 a.m. if your school has a later start you may choose to start at 7:30 a.m.
3. Decide where you will gather on your campus. (Some schools have more than one flagpole so you will need to determine the location.)
4. Make a plan in case of weather issues.

Promote the Event

1. Talk to your friends about it.
2. Personally invite other teens to meet you at the pole on Wednesday morning.
3. Send a text on September 23rd reminding your friends when and where to meet.
4. Use Twitter and Facebook to get the word out.
5. Pass out flyers with the date, time and location of the prayer time.
6. Ask the principal if you can put up posters in the school.

Event Outline

This is just a suggested outline. You pray as you are led by the Holy Spirit. Will there be other elements, such as singing, or someone giving a testimony. You may break into small groups, remain in large group. Choose a student to lead the time of prayer.

  • Sing one or two songs. Someone may use an instrument company the singing.
  • Read: Colossians 4:2 “Devote yourself to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”
    • Prayer Time Pray for your principal, teachers, lunch aids, custodial staff, support staff
    • Student Testimony
  • Read: Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with you.”
    • Form groups of two or three
    • Pray for each person in the group
  • Read: I Timothy 2:1-2. “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone”
    • Pray for the students in your school.
    • Pray for their salvation, protection, openness to hear about Jesus
  • Read: I Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray Continually”
    • Pray for the community surrounding your school.
    • Pray for the community leaders, the mayor, police force, city workers. Devote yourselves to pray for the leaders of your community, and country, that they would be filled with the knowledge of God and His will.
  • Read: II Thessalonians 3:3 “But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.”
    • Pray for each other that you light will shine for Christ in you school. Pray that God will protect you from the evil one, who will try to discourage you.
    • Pray that God will build up a core of students your school whose purpose will be to share the gospel with unsaved friends. Ask God to bring spiritual awakening to you school.
    • Pray a prayer of thankfulness to the Lord for who He is and what He can do through you at your school.

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